The actual verb is kennenlernen http: I believe this is called a separable verb. And you know what to do with separable verbs There are however exceptions for doing the chop chop kick thing I am a native speaker and Hohenems is totally correct, as seen in the links!
How to use kennenlernen in a sentence
Oh, thank goodness, I thought German had spawned something horrible and incomprehensible. Separable verbs I can cope with What irks me about this website is the way they just toss in these essential grammatical structures with no prior discussion or examples.
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I didn't even know separable verbs even existed before I encountered this sentence, and I still have no idea how to use them or when to recognize them. I like to think of duolingo as smarter flash cards. It can't be used by itself. I got a short book that summarises the grammar and use duolingo for practise. I must disagree there. You first heard, from your parents or friends, new words being used, and only rarely were you supposed to be hit straight on with a new word or phrase.

I'm so old, I don't remember how I learned to speak. However, I can't learn as a child does, so this will have to do. I don't think I'll forget kennenlernen. Oh man, classic German. Gotta love it. Toadie , Aug 10, Sidjanga Senior Member German;southern tendencies. Sidjanga , Aug 10, Well, I don't grasp it yet, but thanks anyway. Could somebody give some other example of using "kennen zu lernen", besides variations of "Es freut mich, Sie kennen zu lernen.
And, is the following gramatically correct?
I'm aware that it's probably strange thing to say on the street Es freut mich, die Möglichkeit des Sie Kennenlernen? Or maybe this one: Es freut mich, die Siekennezulernenmöglichkeit. Aug 11, Toadie , Aug 11, The "noun" form actually the gerund never has zu.
It would without a doubt be "das Kennenlernen", but it wouldn't sound idiomatic to use it in this case. Still, "Siekennenzulernenmöglichkeit" is without a doubt, not a word.
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I'm not a native, but I can confirm that Toadie's sentences are correct and that yours are not. I'm slightly perplexed as to why you are bringing up nominalized forms when your original question was about when zu needs to be used with the infinitive which has nothing to do with nouns. Quite frankly, I think you need to grab a good grammar book and learn all about when zu is used with the infinitive and when it isn't. There is nothing special about kennenlernen in this regard; it behaves just like other infinitives as far as zu is concerned.
Sentences with verb darf kennenlernen
Your question, then, is a broad one that cannot be reasonably treated in a single thread. There are numerous situations in which zu is used, and a whole bunch in which it is not, and I'm afraid a random list of examples is unlikely to be of much help to you in the long run. The reason you use "zu" in the example provided was because there was another part to the sentence.
It was not just "als zu liegen" but "als im Liegestuhl zu liegen. Dresden, Universum, born German, Germany. You can also say: Hutschi , Aug 12, Aug 12, Many thanks!
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Speaking natively highly inflected language polish should afterall provide me with good intuitions Once more - thank you very much, because I started to doubt it. Schiffers Member English. My only confusion lies in the fact that "zu" is a dative preposition. However, in this instance is it a case that as "kennen" is an akkusative verb it prevails.
I am currently studying two way prepositions and my current studies do not seem to fit with this phrase. Any feedback on this is much appreciated. Schiffers , May 2,