Walking up to Someone You Like (Ice Breakers in German)

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Elite Daily - Sean Abrams. One of the biggest anxieties that comes with crafting a perfect dating profile is how to represent yourself. As vain as it probably sounds, appearance ….

Hello Giggles - Sarah Terry. From ice breakers to talking on dates, the entire courtship process is one big mess unless you prepare with certain statements and understand the intricacies of the German dating scene.

In fact, flirting works at home as well, since you can impress someone you know speaks German, or you can even woo your English-speaking significant other or spouse, then tell them the translation later. However, unlike other countries, where guys assume they need to walk up to a girl and start chatting up a storm, German flirting usually starts with a guy giving a subtle glance or smile to a girl.

This illustrates the importance of eye contact in the German culture, since you should also try to hold that eye contact while going on a date. Two big questions generally arise when flirting with people in other cultures: In short, being respectful, fun and cheerful can take you a long way, just like many other cultures.

The first rule to follow is punctuality. Here are some other generalized tips not rules, since everyone is different from my experience:. In general, Germans have the same type of small talk you would find in an English speaking country, so here are a few go-to statements to break the ice with your crush across the room.

I was wondering if you know where I could find X. Ich habe mich gefragt, ob du mir vielleicht helfen könntest. I was wondering if you could help me. Ich habe gesehen, dass du ein Buch von X liest. I saw you reading a book from X. Mein Name ist… My name is…. If you make traction with your first few flirtation lines, consider asking the person on a date.

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This way, you can get to know each other better and speak even more German! Consider the following phrases to get someone to go out with you. Wollen wir uns in diesem Restaurant treffen? Möchtest du was essen? Leckere Nudeln vielleicht? Would you like to eat something?